Christmas market products
Friends from Around the World
Concert Audience
group of people

Getting together trip 2022

On our Getting-together-trip 2022, the atmosphere was great from the start. 58 residents from 29 nations took part.

First we visited the Weinhof Tscheppe Kapun in Gamlitz, where we got a traditional Brettljause.

Then we drove to our long-time friend Gerhard Liener on the Labitschberg, who also did a very good and interesting wine tasting this year. In his almost 300-year-old wine cellar, we tasted the wines from 2021, ate chestnuts and drank the Styrian specialty Storm.

With a perfect translator, everyone was able to follow the description of the wines well. A big thank you to Karoline, who spontaneously translated everything wonderfully into English.

Together instead of alone!

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Contact Us

The International Dormitory
Am Rehgrund 4
A-8043 Graz

Office hours: Mon–Fri 9 am–1 pm
Tel.: +43(0)316/327645


Association of the dormitory:
Evangelischer Verein für Studentenheime Graz

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